If you are just beginning in the world of affiliate marketing than chances are you have heard the terms niche marketing and micro niche marketing. The difference between the two will make the difference or whether or not your new online money making career will succeed or not. In this particular article we will look at niche marketing versus micro niche marketing and why you need to understand the difference in order to make money online.
Once upon a time it was all about niche marketing as it was easy to jump to the top of the list in basically any niche that existed but the problem is those days are long gone and today's world of affiliate marketing has tons of people competing for the same basic keywords. Now it is possible to make some money on the larger niches but it becomes much easier when we turn those niches into micro niches. A micro niche is basically the segments that make up the larger niche. Such as "Lose ten pounds in ten days" would be a micro niche and "Lose Weight" would be the niche. In the end it comes down to competition and like everything else the less people competing the better your affiliate marketing campaign will perform.
As I mentioned before it comes down to competition and where you may get a ton of traffic for a main niche the micro niche will only get a fraction but the difference is the people coming to a micro niche site will have a heck of a lot higher percentage of making a purchase. If someone puts weight loss into Google there is a good chance that they are just looking for information about this topic but if a person puts is Hoodia XXX weight drug than they know exactly what they are looking for and are more likely to make a purchase. No sales in affiliate marketing translates to no money for you, traffic is great but sales are better.
Now obviously to step into the world of micro niche marketing you are going to need a tool that is able to break a niche down into micro niches and hopefully tell you all of the information that you require. Google has a free tool related to Adsense that some people like to use at least until they realize there are much better niche research tools out there. An example would be Micro Niche Finder which not only breaks it down a big niche into micro niches but will tell you the exact amount of people searching, how many others are competing for the same micro niche and how strong your potential competition could be and it does this in under sixty seconds. The free Google tool will kind of tell you the same thing with fancy graphs but in the end it is still going to take a lot of time figuring out the rest of the equation.
Niche marketing and micro niche marketing are what affiliate marketers are searching for to make their next paycheck. With a micro niche it is much easier to climb to the top of Google and get your product or someone else's product in front of the eyes of potential buyers. Figure out your niche, break it down into micro niches, bring in targeted customers and make sales that is the formula for success in affiliate marketing.
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