One of the most basic elements you need to take into consideration when looking for new niches and there related keywords is strength of competition for this will give you a clear indication whether or not this particular micro niche is even accessible. Micro Niche Finder has a built in strength of competition which saves you a ton of time when researching keywords and new niches.
Strength of competition is literally how strong your potential competition is for a given niche and keyword. Micro Niche Finder provides a number that will indicate the strength of competition ranging from the very weak to the extremely strong. If you are entering into a new niche it is important to know who you will be battling for traffic and sales. Taking on a newcomer is not that difficult and can provide an opening but at the same time an extremely powerful competitor sends the message to look elsewhere.
To determine the strength of competition Micro Niche Finder looks at a wide variety of factors to come to a conclusion. A strong competitor is a site that has been around for a long time, has a great page rank, a ton of back links and is considered an authority in the specific niche. A weak competitor is a new website that has not taken the time to build back links with a page rank that is basically nonexistent. So it comes down to going to war with the heavyweight champion of the world or that annoying kid down the street.
The Power of Micro Niche Finder
Micro Niche Finder will give you all of the information that you can possibly need to perform a proper keyword research and find the niche and the keywords so you are able to build your web operations. Keep in mind strength of competition when doing your search and make sure you are picking battles that you are capable of winning.

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